Extra Features
OpenSea animation_url

How to add TokenScript viewer to display token info in OpenSea

The OpenSea metadata standard includes the animation_url property. animation_url supports HTML pages, allowing you to build rich experiences and interactive NFTs using JavaScript canvas, WebGL, and more. The TokenScript viewer surfaces a special view that allows you to embed the TokenScript token card of your TokenScript in OpenSea and other platforms that supports HTML animation_url.


To support this functionality you must have these basic requirements met:

  1. A TokenScript with a token information card (i.e. a card with type="token" attribute)
  2. Access to set or update the animation URL for each token in your collection.

Creating the tokenscript

The best way to develop & test your TokenScript is by using the TokenScript CLI. Follow the guide here to start a TokenScript project using the CLI: Quick Start TokenScript CLI

Customising the token card

Token cards contain normal HTML/JS/CSS that you can customise according to your needs. To do this simply edit the corresponding file/s for your chosen template. These are:

  • Svelte: src/routes/Info.svelte
  • Typescript: src/templates/index.html & src/index.js
  • Empty: index.html

The emulator can be used to live-reload your changes as you code.

Viewing the OpenSea view locally

You can preview the OpenSea view using the following URL: http://localhost:8090/?viewType=opensea&chain=137&contract=0xD5cA946AC1c1F24Eb26dae9e1A53ba6a02bd97Fe&tokenId=3803829543&tokenscriptUrl=http://localhost:8090/tokenscript.tsml (opens in a new tab)

  1. Ensure the TokenScript emulator is running
  2. Replace the contract, chain and token ID with your own values that correspond to your TokenScript contract.

Premade templates

If you don't have the expertise to design your own TokenScript, SmartTokenLabs has developed some pre-made TokenScripts that you can use. Pre-made Templates (opens in a new tab) The Smart Layer Launchpad will soon have an online wizard that you can use to deploy these templates without writing a single line of code


Upload your TokenScript to a public URL

Once you have completed your TokenScript design and development you must build your TokenScript and upload it to a publicly accessible URL. This can be a web server, an Amazon S3 bucket (or other CDN) or even IPFS. Once the file is uploaded, note down the URL and ensure it's loading the TSML correctly.

Setting the scriptURI on your contract (ERC5169)

The easiest way to set the script URI for your contract is to use Etherscan (or the block explorer applicable for your chain). For this to be available you must verify your contract source code. The easiest way to do this is by using the hardhat verify plugin (opens in a new tab).

Here is the SmartCats contract as an example: (opens in a new tab)

  1. Navigate to your contract
  2. Click on the contract tab
  3. Depending on your contract type, either click "Write Contract" or "Write as Proxy" to get a list of method in your contract
  4. Click on the red connect button at the top of the contract methods list and connect your wallet with ownership rights on the contract.
  5. Look for setScriptURI and click on it to expand the parameters input.
  6. Enter the full URL of your TokenScript file, click on the write button and sign the transaction to update the contract scriptURI.

Updating the token metadata

Now that the TokenScript is deployed and scriptURI is updated, we can go ahead and update the metadata for each token ID. If you have a large amount of tokens, it may be easier to write a script to update it for you.

For each token.json, edit it to add the animation_url property with the following value, replacing CHAIN, CONTRACT & TOKEN_ID with the values for this specific token:${CHAIN}&contract=${CONTRACT}&tokenId=${TOKEN_ID}

  "name": "Your NFT #3803829543",
  "description": "Your NFT description",
  "image": "",
  "attributes": [
  "animation_url": ""


Smart Cats Collection


	"id": "430163386",
	"image": "",
	"attributes": [
		{ "trait_type": "Collection", "value": "SmartCats" },
		{ "trait_type": "Hat", "value": "Bear Blue (Rare)" },
	"description": "SmartCat#2426-430163386",
	"name": "SmartCat#2426-430163386",
	"animation_url": ""


AutographNFT Collection


	"id": "8",
  "image": "",
	"attributes": [
            "trait_type": "Autograph",
            "value": "@VitalikButerin"
            "trait_type": "rarity",
            "value": "Common"
            "trait_type": "artist",
            "value": "mladen"
            "trait_type": "tag",
            "value": "gitcoin"
            "trait_type": "tag",
            "value": "premium"
            "trait_type": "tag",
            "value": "soft skills"
            "trait_type": "tag",
            "value": "fun"
            "trait_type": "tag",
            "value": "alchemy"
	"description": "Behold, the power of alchemy!  You take ideas and bits and alchemize them into something magical!",
	"name": "The Alchemist",
	"animation_url": ""


Note that the tokenId in the URL matches the token ID for this metadata.

Once you have edited all the metadata files, you can upload/replace them in their original location.

Clearing metadata cache

Many services like OpenSea will cache token metadata until it is refreshed manually or programmatically via an API.

For OpenSea, you can do this on the NFT details page or programmatically via the API documented here (opens in a new tab)