Quick Start
How to implement ERC-5169

How to implement ERC-5169


If you'd like to deploy a standard ERC-721 contract which implements ERC-5169, you can use the https://launchpad.smartlayer.network/developer/deploy (opens in a new tab)

For deployed contract which didn't implement ERC-5169

If your contract didn't implement ERC-5169 then you can use the following tool to set the scriptURI: https://launchpad.smartlayer.network/developer/scripturi (opens in a new tab)

Implement manually

Implementing ERC-5169 can be conveniently achieved by inserting several lines of code.

  1. Install stl-contracts (opens in a new tab) package:
npm i stl-contracts
  1. Add following code to your contract
import "stl-contracts/ERC/ERC5169.sol";
contract ERC721Mint is Ownable, ERC5169, AccessControl, ERC721Enumerable {
	function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view override(ERC5169, ERC721Enumerable) returns (bool) {
		return ERC721Enumerable.supportsInterface(interfaceId) || ERC5169.supportsInterface(interfaceId);
	// limit set contracts to admin only
	function _authorizeSetScripts(string[] memory) internal view override(ERC5169) onlyOwner {}
  1. In case if you don't implement Ownable interface then replace onlyOwner with your modifier to limit use of _authorizeSetScripts to admin or other user/group

  2. When contract deployed run the following script to set the scriptURI

const [owner] = await ethers.getSigners();
const ERC721Mint = await ethers.getContractFactory('ERC721Mint');
const nft = await ERC721Mint.attach(contractAddress);
let tx = await nft
await tx.wait();

When script added then NFTs (which user own) for this contract will appear under Smart Layer Launchpad (opens in a new tab)